29 research outputs found

    Edge Computing Platforms and Protocols

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    Cloud computing has created a radical shift in expanding the reach of application usage and has emerged as a de-facto method to provide low-cost and highly scalable computing services to its users. Existing cloud infrastructure is a composition of large-scale networks of datacenters spread across the globe. These datacenters are carefully installed in isolated locations and are heavily managed by cloud providers to ensure reliable performance to its users. In recent years, novel applications, such as Internet-of-Things, augmented-reality, autonomous vehicles etc., have proliferated the Internet. Majority of such applications are known to be time-critical and enforce strict computational delay requirements for acceptable performance. Traditional cloud offloading techniques are inefficient for handling such applications due to the incorporation of additional network delay encountered while uploading pre-requisite data to distant datacenters. Furthermore, as computations involving such applications often rely on sensor data from multiple sources, simultaneous data upload to the cloud also results in significant congestion in the network. Edge computing is a new cloud paradigm which aims to bring existing cloud services and utilities near end users. Also termed edge clouds, the central objective behind this upcoming cloud platform is to reduce the network load on the cloud by utilizing compute resources in the vicinity of users and IoT sensors. Dense geographical deployment of edge clouds in an area not only allows for optimal operation of delay-sensitive applications but also provides support for mobility, context awareness and data aggregation in computations. However, the added functionality of edge clouds comes at the cost of incompatibility with existing cloud infrastructure. For example, while data center servers are closely monitored by the cloud providers to ensure reliability and security, edge servers aim to operate in unmanaged publicly-shared environments. Moreover, several edge cloud approaches aim to incorporate crowdsourced compute resources, such as smartphones, desktops, tablets etc., near the location of end users to support stringent latency demands. The resulting infrastructure is an amalgamation of heterogeneous, resource-constrained and unreliable compute-capable devices that aims to replicate cloud-like performance. This thesis provides a comprehensive collection of novel protocols and platforms for integrating edge computing in the existing cloud infrastructure. At its foundation lies an all-inclusive edge cloud architecture which allows for unification of several co-existing edge cloud approaches in a single logically classified platform. This thesis further addresses several open problems for three core categories of edge computing: hardware, infrastructure and platform. For hardware, this thesis contributes a deployment framework which enables interested cloud providers to effectively identify optimal locations for deploying edge servers in any geographical region. For infrastructure, the thesis proposes several protocols and techniques for efficient task allocation, data management and network utilization in edge clouds with the end-objective of maximizing the operability of the platform as a whole. Finally, the thesis presents a virtualization-dependent platform for application owners to transparently utilize the underlying distributed infrastructure of edge clouds, in conjunction with other co-existing cloud environments, without much management overhead.Pilvilaskenta on aikaansaanut suuren muutoksen sovellusten toiminta-alueessa ja on sen myötä muodostunut lähes oletusarvoiseksi tavaksi toteuttaa edullisia ja skaalautuvia laskentapalveluita käyttäjille. Olemassaoleva pilvi-infrastruktuuri on kokoelma suuren mittakaavan datakeskuksia ympäri maailman. Datakeskukset sijaitsevat maantieteellisesti tarkkaan valituissa paikoissa, joista pilvioperaattorit pystyvät takaamaan hyvän suorituskyvyn käyttäjilleen. Viime vuosina yleistyneet uudet sovellusalat, kuten esineiden Internet (IoT), lisätty todellisuus (AR), itseohjautuvat autot, jne., ovat yleistyneet Internetissä. Valtaosa edellä mainituista sovellusaloista on aikakriittisiä, ja ne asettavat laskennalle tiukan viivemarginaalin, jonka toteutuminen on edellytys sovelluksen hyväksyttävälle suorituskyvylle. Perinteiset menetelmät delegoida laskentaa pilvipalveluihin ovat kelvottomia aikakriittisissä sovelluksissa, sillä laskentaan liittyvän oheisdatan siirtämisestä johtuva verkkoviive on liian suuri. Useat edellä mainituista uusista sovellusaloista hyödyntävät sensoridataa, jota kerätään useista eri lähteistä. Samanaikaiset datayhteydet puolestaan aiheuttavat merkittävää ruuhkaa verkossa. Reunalaskenta on uusi pilviparadigma, jonka tavoitteena on tuoda nykyiset palvelut ja resurssit lähemmäksi loppukäyttäjää. Myös reunapilvenä tunnetun paradigman keskeinen tavoite on vähentää pilveen kohdistuvaa verkkoliikennettä suorittamalla sovelluksen vaatima laskenta resursseilla, jotka sijaitsevat lähempänä loppukäyttäjää. Reunapilvien tiheä maantieteellinen sijoittelu ei ainoastaan auta minimoimaan tiedonsiirtoviivettä aikakriittisiä sovelluksia varten, vaan tukee myös sovellusten mobiliteettia, kontekstitietoisuutta ja datan aggregointia laskentaa varten. Edellä mainitut reunapilven tarjoamat uudet mahdollisuudet eivät kuitenkaan ole yhteensopivia nykyisten pilvi-infrastruktuurien kanssa. Datakeskukset toimivat tarkoin valvotuissa ympäristöissä palvelun takaamiseksi, kun taas reunapilvien toiminta-alue on hallinnoimaton ja julkinen. Useat esitykset reunapilven toteutukseen liittyen hyödyntävät myös käyttäjien laitteiden potentiaalista laskentakapasiteettia, jota tänä päivänä löytyy runsaasti mm. älypuhelimista, kannettavista tietokoneista, tableteista. Reunapilven infrastruktuuri on täten haastava yhdistelmä heterogeenisiä, resurssirajoitettuja, epäluotettavia, mutta laskentakykyisiä laitteita, jotka yhdessä pyrkivät suorittamaan pilvilaskentaa. Tämä väitöstutkimus tarjoaa kokoelman uudentyyppisiä protokollia ja alustoja reunalaskennan integroimiseksi osaksi nykyistä pilvi-infrastruktuuria. Tutkimuksen pohjana on kokonaisvaltainen reunapilviarkkitehtuuri, joka pyrkii yhdistämään useita rinnakkaisia arkkitehtuuriehdotuksia yhdeksi loogiseksi pilvialustaksi. Väitöstutkimus ottaa myös kantaa useisiin avoimiin ongelmiin reunalaskennan kolmella osa-alueella: resurssit, infrastruktuuri ja palvelualusta. Resursseihin liittyen tämä väitöstutkimus tarjoaa käyttöönottokehyksen, jonka avulla palveluntarjoajat voivat tehokkaasti selvittää reunapalvelinten optimaaliset maantieteelliset sijoituskohteet. Infrastruktuurin osalta tämä väitöstutkimus esittelee reunapilvessä tapahtuvaa tehokasta tehtävien allokointia, datan hallinnointia ja verkon hyödyntämistä varten useita protokollia ja tekniikoita, joiden yhteinen tavoite on maksimoida alustan toiminnallisuus kokonaisuutena. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen lopussa kuvataan virtualisointiin pohjautuva alusta, jonka avulla käyttäjä voi läpinäkyvästi hyödyntää ympäröivää reunapilveä perinteisten pilvi-infrastruktuurien rinnalla ilman suurta hallinnollista kuormaa

    Open Infrastructure for Edge : A Distributed Ledger Outlook

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    High demand for low latency services and local data processing has given rise for edge computing. As opposed to cloud computing, in this new paradigm computational facilities are located close to the end-users and data producers, on the edge of the network, hence the name. The critical issue for the proliferation of edge computing is the availability of local computational resources. Major cloud providers are already addressing the problem by establishing facilities in the proximity of end-users. However, there is an alternative trend, namely, developing open infrastructure as a set of standards, technologies, and practices to enable any motivated parties to offer their computational capacity for the needs of edge computing. Open infrastructure can give an additional boost to this new promising paradigm and, moreover, help to avoid problems for which cloud computing has been long criticized for, such as vendor lock-in or privacy. In this paper, we discuss the challenges related to creating such an open infrastructure, in particular focusing on the applicability of distributed ledgers for contractual agreement and payment. Solving the challenge of contracting is central to realizing an open infrastructure for edge computing, and in this paper, we highlight the potential and shortcomings of distributed ledger technologies in the context of our use case

    QAware: A Cross-Layer Approach to MPTCP Scheduling

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    Multipath TCP (MPTCP) allows applications to transparently use all available network interfaces by creating a TCP subflow per interface. One critical component of MPTCP is the scheduler that decides which subflow to use for each packet. Existing schedulers typically use estimates of end-to-end path properties, such as delay and bandwidth, for making the scheduling decisions. In this paper, we show that these scheduling decisions can be significantly improved by incorporating readily available local information from the device driver queues in the decision-making process. We propose QAware, a novel cross-layer approach for MPTCP scheduling. QAware combines end-to-end delay estimates with local queue buffer occupancy information and allows for a better and faster adaptation to the network conditions. This results in more efficient use of the available resources and considerable gains in aggregate throughput. We present the design of QAware and evaluate its performance through simulations, and also through real experiments, comparing it to existing schedulers. Our results show that QAware performs significantly better than other available approaches for various use-cases and applications.Comment: in Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2018, 2018 available at: https://files.ifi.uzh.ch/stiller/IFIP%20Networking%202018-Proceedings.pd

    From Single Lane to Highways: Analyzing the Adoption of Multipath TCP in the Internet

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    Multipath TCP (MPTCP) extends traditional TCP to enable simultaneous use of multiple connection endpoints at the source and destination. MPTCP has been under active development since its standardization in 2013, and more recently in February 2020, MPTCP was upstreamed to the Linux kernel. In this paper, we provide the first broad analysis of MPTCPv0 in the Internet. We probe the entire IPv4 address space and an IPv6 hitlist to detect MPTCP-enabled systems operational on port 80 and 443. Our scans reveal a steady increase in MPTCP-capable IPs, reaching 9k+ on IPv4 and a few dozen on IPv6. We also discover a significant share of seemingly MPTCP-capable hosts, an artifact of middleboxes mirroring TCP options. We conduct targeted HTTP(S) measurements towards select hosts and find that middleboxes can aggressively impact the perceived quality of applications utilizing MPTCP. Finally, we analyze two complementary traffic traces from CAIDA and MAWI to shed light on the real-world usage of MPTCP. We find that while MPTCP usage has increased by a factor of 20 over the past few years, its traffic share is still quite low.Comment: Proceedings of the 2021 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking '21). Visit https://mptcp.io for up-to-date MPTCP measurement result

    SPA : Harnessing Availability in the AWS Spot Market

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    Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers transient virtual servers at a discounted price as a way to sell unused spare capacity in its data centers. Although transient servers are very appealing as some instances have up to 90% discount, they are not bound to regular availability guarantees as they are opportunistic resources sold on the spot market. In this paper, we present SPA, a framework that remarkably increases the spot instance reliability over time due to insights gained from the analysis of historical data, such as cross-region price variability and intervals between evictions. We implemented the SPA reliability strategy, evaluated them using over one year of historical pricing data from AWS, and found out that we can increase the transient instance lifetime by adding a pricing overhead of 3.5% in the spot price in the best scenario.Peer reviewe